Benefits of Membership
Membership in this organization provides resources and information for: program development and implementation cost reduction, radiation exposure reduction, error reduction, improved component performance, optimization of regulatory compliance and influence, aging workforce knowledge capture for future containment leakage testing program incumbents, a problem-solving and information sharing network provided by this APOG website and a general forum for members to solicit opinions and obtain technical advice and operating experience from your peers and some of the leading industry consultants.
How do I join APOG?
To join APOG as a full member, you need to be a utility employee responsible for Appendix J activities at your plant. Affiliate Memberships may be offered to vendors and consultants providing equipment and/or services relating to Appendix J. Please submit membership requests via phone or email to the membership committee for additional information.
Are there dues?
Yes, there are "Annual" dues to be a member of APOG. The standard fee structure is as follows:
Utility Members - The standard fee is is a fixed rate for US Nuclear plants on a per-site basis. Please contact us for details.
Consultants/Vendors/Overseas - If your business supports the Appendix J profession, or if you're a Nuclear plant or company overseas, please contact us for further information and payment.
Vendor/Consultant Participation - Affiliate Membership
A significant number of vendors and consultants are intimately involved in supporting the conduct of periodic local leak rate testing (LLRT) of Appendix J program components as well as the overall Containment integrated leak rate test (ILRT). Support roles include supplying (rental or purchase) leak rate test equipment, air compressors, air hoses, temperature, pressure and dew point sensors, leak rate determination/calculation computer hardware and software, engineering services, staff augmentation personnel such as LLRT and ILRT technicians and engineers, etc. Other vendors provide a different kind of support such as new or replacement model Containment isolation valves, Containment penetrations (electrical & mechanical), Containment airlock parts, accessories and field service, etc. All of these support roles are instrumental in enabling each site’s program owner to maintain component and overall Containment leakage as low as reasonably achievable and within the applicable regulatory mandated limits.
Therefore, while membership in the Appendix J Program Owners Group (APOG) is limited only to utility employees, active vendor and consultant participation in APOG and it's various sponsored activities is not only desired, it is strongly promoted and encouraged. To that end, the designation of affiliate member has been created to formally allow those parties who are engaged in the conduct of Appendix J related activities, but not as utility employees, to participate in APOG. The qualifications to become an affiliate member are defined in the APOG charter. Those seeking to become affiliate members are required to complete an application and submit it to the APOG Steering Committee. The APOG Steering Committee, along with the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson will review each application and present the results (approve or disapprove) of that review to the applicant. Affiliate membership runs on an annual basis.