What is AppendixJ.net?
Appendixj.net is the website of the Appendix J Owners Group (APOG). APOG is a membership organization chartered to share information and experiences among engineers and program owners.
APOG members additionally have access to our "documents and forums" that contain information about 10 CFR 50 Appendix J, user operational experience, and industry Q&A. Our Forum contains comments and articles / papers written by Appendix J Engineers specifically for our industry as well as hundreds of valuable documents that relate to our profession. If you're in the leak testing field then this is a website that can prove invaluable to you.
How does APOG work?
APOG is an organization of Nuclear Plants engineers/businesses and consultants who work in the field of Appendix J and are intimately familiar with it. By joining the group, you'll be at the forefront of knowledge relating to our industry.
You will have the opportunity to have your questions answered by your peers and some of the leading industry consultants about anything related to Appendix J.
APOG Charter
Revision 5.0 - Approved for Issue May 21st, 2024
The Appendix J Owners Groups (APOG) is a collective of individuals and organizations devoted to implementation and continuous improvement of primary containment leakage rate programs mandated by Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 50, Appendix J.
The Appendix J Owners Group (APOG) reviews all applicable guides, standards, codes, regulations, and documents that govern Appendix J programs (Regulatory Guides (RG), American National Standards (ANS), Nuclear Energy Institutes (NEI), Codes of Federal Regulations (CFR), etc.) for uniform implementation of Appendix J Programs across the industry. The benefits of this collaborative effort include cost reduction, error reduction, improve performance, knowledge capture for future generations, and maintaining safety margins within the nuclear industry.
To accomplish the APOG purpose, the following objectives have been established:
§ Provide a forum for discussions and resolution of generic and specific Appendix J issues through communication between members of the Appendix J Owners Group (APOG) and other organizations.
§ Provide an effective process for APOG Members to make recommendations on generic and specific Appendix J issues to the Steering Committee.
§ Provide an effective and efficient communication process from the Steering Committee to APOG Members.
§ Provide an effective and efficient communication process to and from industry organizations such as NEI, American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO), etc.
APOG membership consists of representatives from companies who operate nuclear power plants and who perform Appendix J testing duties as a profession. Additionally, non-utility companies (e.g., consultants, vendors) that provide support directly related to Appendix J activities (e.g. develop, update, and maintain Appendix J Programs; engineering evaluations; problem resolution) can become APOG members.
APOG Steering Committee (SC)
The Steering Committee shall decide on the priorities and business of the organization per the approved administrative procedure.